AgedCare Alternatives

Agedcare Alternatives has been supporting South Australians since 2010

Information Service
When our doors opened in 2010, we commenced our free information service that helped older people, their carers and families, to find and understand information about aged care services. We offered a personalised, face to face consultation at our centre, or answer your enquiries made by telephone or email or lodged with this website.

Regional Assessment Service

In 2015 Agedcare Alternatives was selected as a Regional Assessment Service by the Department of Health. We assess clients for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme across the Metropolitan area plus the country areas of the Riverland, the South East and the Hills Mallee Southern regions.

Referrals for assessment came to this service through the My Aged Care Gateway. Assessments are conducted face to face in the client’s home. This service will cease on the 31st of December 2024.

care finders

Then in 2023, we were contracted by the Adelaide PHN (Primary Health Network) to deliver care finder services to Senior Australians who are homeless or at risk of homelessness or have multiple reasons for requiring intensive support to interact with My Aged Care, access aged care services and/or access other relevant supports in the community in the Adelaide Metro regions.

We had also been contracted by the Country SA PHN to deliver care finder services to Senior Australians who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Hills Mallee Southern, Riverland and South-East regions.

Our advisers meet clients in their homes or any other appropriate location to discuss their needs and situation. Our advisers will provide intensive support to assist them to access aged care services and other supports. Enquiries can be made by telephone or email or lodged with this website.