© AgedCare Alternatives 2025
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Independent Living Units (referred to as villas or ILU's) are standard units which are designed for the person to live independently and enjoy the security of a gated community with peers close by.
Retirement villages are complexes of residential units or a number of separate complexes of residential units on common land. These units are intended for residential use under a retirement village scheme.
Low Income Housing provides long term housing, security and affordable rent (approximatley 25% of Income) for people on low incomes. Community Housing organisations are non-government organisations operating under the Communtiy Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013.
Residential Aged Care Facilities provide various levels of supportive care and are administered and operated under the Aged Care Act 1997. A Comprehensive Assessment is required to gain entry into these types of facilities. All aged care facilities undergo an accreditation process to ensure quality of care for the older person.
Agedcare Alternatives is a service that helps older people, their carers and families, who need intensive support, to find and understand information about aged care.
© AgedCare Alternatives 2025