Changes to the Personal Alert System

Recently you may have received a letter from Human Services Department of South Australia, (DHS) or SA Ambulance Service (SASS) notifying consumers that all personal alert systems from June 30 – 2024 will be winding down their 3G wireless network and upgrading to a 4G wireless network.

To start this process, the Concessions and Support Services office, will require you to provide details of your most recent my aged care assessment by using the enclosed Personal Alert SA Rebate form that is provided. If you have not had a My Aged care assessment, please call 1800 200 422 or go the website to request an assessment.

Your current organisation will advise you by letter, of your options to upgrade your personal alert system and how to start the process and to give you enough time to transition to a suitable new 4G system.

If you have any questions, or require any further assistance on completing the Personal Alert SA Rebate form please either contact Concessions and Support Services on 1300 700 169 or email or contact Agedcare Alternatives on 8408 4600 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email and one of our friendly staff members will be able to guide and assist you.



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