New My Aged Care Assessment Tool commenced 1 July 2024

From the 1st July the Department of Health and Aged Care introduced a new assessment tool to be used by the My Aged Care Assessment Teams.  The Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) contains Validated Assessment Tools and aims to increase the consistency of assessments and their outcomes. The IAT replaces the National Screening and Assessment Framework.

The two current assessment workforces will be using the IAT. The Regional Assessment Services will use the tool to conduct simple non-clinical assessments. The Aged Care assessment teams (ACATs) will use the tool to conduct complex clinical assessments. This is made possible by the modular nature of the assessment, sections of the assessment will open up based on your answer to questions.

As part of this new tool the department is introducing a new process, Triage Delegation. This is a short assessment conducted via the phone by the assessment services shortly after receiving your referral. In some circumstances it can be completed by the assessor at the time of assessment. This process should take about 20 minutes and your answers will be transferred into your later assessment.

Triage Delegation must be consented to by the client or their Authorised Representative.  An Authorised Representative in South Australia is an enacted Guardian for Health or Care or an advanced Care Directive substitute decision maker.

The aim of the Triage Delegation process is to:

1   Confirm the need for assessment.

2.    Confirm if a clinical or non-clinical assessment is required.

3.    Confirm the priority of the assessment.

4.    To issue any urgent referrals required.

Agedcare Alternatives is contracted by the Department of Health and Aged Care as a Regional Assessment Service, until the 31 of Dember 2024, in The Adelaide Metropolitan, Riverland, Southeast and Hills Mallee Southern Regions.  We conduct the simple non-clinical assessment. We can be contacted on 08 8408 4600.



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