When is it time to make a complaint about your service or care you are receiving though My Aged Care?

Making a complaint about a service that you are not happy with, can sometimes be awkward and confronting. It is important that you raise your concerns and openly talk about them whether it be for yourself, a family member or friend that is receiving support through the Australian Government-funded aged care services.

Complaints are very important and helpful for any organisation because they can help them to improve their services and quality of care.

Anyone receiving government funded services have the right to stay safe and receive quality care.

These rights are protected under the Charter of Aged Care Rights , the Charter provides the same rights to all older people, regardless of the type of support they are receiving.

There are different ways to make a complaint depending on what the issue is.

My Aged Care

If you wish to lodge a complaint about the process through My Aged Care, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and discuss your concern/s.

If your concern is not resolved on the call you will be given a complaint reference number to track its progress, please use this reference number for any future communication with My Aged Care. 

Contact options for lodging a complaint:

  • Phone: 1800 200 422
  • Fax: 1800 728 174
  • Post: My Aged Care Complaints, PO Box 1237, Runaway Bay, QLD 4216

For complaints sent online, by fax or post, you should receive an acknowledgement from My Aged Care within 10 business days along with your complaint reference number. If you are not satisfied with your outcome please send an email with the details of your complaint and reference number to: myagedcaresupport@healthdirect.org.au.

Regional Assessment Service (RAS)

If you are not satisfied or have concerns about your home support assessment, please contact the RAS assessor or management from the assessment organisation that assessed you within your home and they will advise and assist you.

If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

Aged care Assessment Team (ACAT)

If you are not satisfied or have concerns about your comprehensive assessment, please contact the ACAT assessor or management from the assessment organisation.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can ask for a review of the decision free of charge by writing to the Secretary of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

If you don’t agree with the outcome of the Secretary’s review you can go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, but there will be a charge. For more information visit the Administrative Appeals Tribunal website.

Service Providers

If you are receiving support and care from an Australian Government subsidised service provider and have a concern or a complaint about your support, whether it’s the quality of care or financial concerns, the initial step is to speak to your coordinator / management and discuss your concerns. Every service provider has their own complaint process to follow.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, there are other organisations that can assist:

  • Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS), provides information about aged care, your rights, entitlements and responsibilities and support to resolve your concerns or speak on your behalf.

Phone: 8232 5377

Toll Free: 1800 700 600

  • Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provide assistance and support about aged care services, including residential care or respite services, Home Care Packages, Commonwealth Home Support Program, Flexible care and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program

Phone: 1800 951 822

Website: agedcarequality.gov.au

Post: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819, in your Capital City.



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