© AgedCare Alternatives 2025
A free service sponsored by
The Australian Government offers a range of services that can give you extra help at home. These services include domestic assistance, personal care, meal services and nursing care.
Residential aged care is for older people, who for a variety of reasons, can no longer live at home. Those reasons can include illness, disability, bereavement, an emergency, the changing needs of their carer, family or friends or because it is no longer possible to manage at home.
When you have been in hospital, often the most desirable place to go when you leave is to your own home. Sometimes you might need extra help to recover. This is where transition care may be able to help.
If you are wishing to access government funded services you will first need to be screened by a My Aged Care Customer Solution Specialist. Find out more about this process.
Agedcare Alternatives is a service that helps older people, their carers and families, who need intensive support, to find and understand information about aged care.
© AgedCare Alternatives 2025