More about needing help getting out and about?

In this article we will be completing our discussion regarding the supports that are available to assist you getting out and about in the community. We will be looking at the disability parking permits and the assistance available under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

Disability Parking Permit

The disability parking permits allow a vehicle displaying the permit and carrying the permit holder, to be parked in spaces where the international symbol of access is displayed.

To be eligible for the permit you must meet the following conditions,

  • have a permanent physical impairment or a temporary impairment that is likely to continue for more than six months
  • the impairment severely restricts speed of movement
  • the impairment significantly inhibits ability to access public transport.

To complete the application for a disability parking permit, for individuals, this can be accessed on website.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

If you need support with a few tasks around the home, you could be eligible for subsidised support through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

One of the supports you can access through CHSP is Transport, to help you get out and about and stay connected with your community.

Allowing you to access:

  • community activities
  • shopping
  • medical appointments
  • social activities.

If you require a little more support, such as someone to attend the activity with you, then Social Support Individual could help you.

To apply for Commonwealth Home Support you will need to contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or go to the My Aged Care website. You will then be assessed for eligibility for these supports.



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