Dementia is a condition that has no boundaries and is not a normal part of ageing, this disease can affect a person’s life, at any age young or old.
Dementia is not one specific disease, it describes a collection of symptoms caused by disorders affecting the brain.
Dementia sets a person on a path where they emotionally and mentally disconnect from themselves, their carers and family. People can have a range of emotions including grief, loss, anger, a sense of fear of the unknown, disbelief and sometimes relief when a person receives diagnosis.
At present there is no known cure for dementia. There are healthcare professionals, medications and other therapies that can assist with some symptoms and support to look after a person’s health and wellbeing.
Changes in the behaviour of a person with dementia can affect each person differently, and places enormous stress on families and carers.
One of the first positive steps to make, is to book an appointment to see your local GP, whom will be able to provide some advice.
In this article we will be looking at some of the supports and how people can access information and receive assistance through various programs.
Dementia Australia was founded by carers 35 years ago and have a wealth of information, education and support services. The management, staff and volunteers advocate for change for people living with dementia, their families and carers and support ongoing research into this most challenging and misunderstood condition.
Dementia Australia
Dementia Australia have developed numerous resources (help sheets / videos), they provide advice, counselling and practical approaches on the issues most commonly raised about dementia.
For further information visit Dementia Australia or speak with a dementia care professional on the National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500.
National Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker Program
Dementia is one of the most common, yet misunderstood conditions and as previously stated dementia can affect anyone at any age.
If you are aware of any person under 65, that has been recently diagnosed with dementia, you are not alone.
Younger onset dementia is a form of dementia in people under the age of 65, it can often go unnoticed and undiagnosed.
Dementia Australia offers support for younger people with dementia through its National Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker Program.
For more information visit younger onset dementia hub.
The Safe Return Program
The Safe Return Program is a joint initiative between Dementia Australia and the South Australian Police.
If a person is out and about by themselves and for some reason can’t recall how to return home, by wearing a bracelet that has their details on the back of it, enables someone else to help that person find their safe return home.
The person that is supporting the individuals safe return can contact the police and quote the Safe return personalised number on the bracelet.
Police will respond to the call and arrange for the person at risk to be safely returned to their home.
If you would like further information on this life saving initiative program, please call Dementia Australia – SA Division on 08 8372 2100 or email
The Dementia Guide
The dementia guide is a resource developed by Dementia Australia for people living with dementia, their families and carers, it is available in three different formats
- Audiobook
- Download a PDF copy
- Order a printed copy of the guide
This guide is a useful resource as it gives practical information on dementia and how to live well – The Dementia Guide