Need Help Getting Out and About?

If you are an older South Australian, there are a number of supports available that may help you stay active in the community or get to appointments. These supports include:
• South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS)
• Plus One Free Companion card
• Vision Impaired Travel Pass
• Disability Parking Permit
• Commonwealth Home Support Program

Over the next two newsletters we will cover these schemes.

We will start with the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS), the Plus One Free Companion card and the Vision Impaired Travel Pass.

South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS)

Many of you will have heard of the old taxi voucher scheme. This has been replaced by the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme. The older paper-based taxi scheme has been replaced with a Digital App for Taxi Drivers and an ID card for Members.

The scheme provides passenger transport support for people with permanent physical, cognitive, vision and intellectual impairment which affects their ability to use public transport independently.

Plus One Free Companion Card

A companion or carer can travel free of charge on Adelaide Metro bus, train and tram services when accompanying a holder of a Plus One FREE Companion card.

The Plus One Free Companion card is designed to assist a wide range of people who cannot safely use public transport on their own, but who could with the assistance of a companion or carer. These include people with physical mobility, cognitive, sensory or communication impairment/s, or those who cannot travel independently at certain times or on unfamiliar routes.

Vision Impaired Travel Pass

People with impaired vision can apply to travel free on Adelaide Metro buses, trains and trams using a metroCARD Special Pass.

If you wish to have more information, or would like to apply for these supports please follow the links below:
• Transport Subsidy Scheme
• Plus One free Companion Card
• Vision Impaired Travel Pass

The three schemes discussed were:
• South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS)
• Plus One Free Companion card
• Vision Impaired Travel Pass

Each of these have some exclusion criteria that can be explored through the above links.

In our next Newsletter we will discuss the Disability Parking Permit and transport support available through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.



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