Hearing Aids and reducing the risk of Dementia
You may be asking, what has hearing aids got to do with dementia, new research in the United Kingdom has found untreated hearing loss, may increase the risk of dementia in middle aged and older adults.
from agedcare alternatives
You may be asking, what has hearing aids got to do with dementia, new research in the United Kingdom has found untreated hearing loss, may increase the risk of dementia in middle aged and older adults.
There are many solutions when difficulties arise when performing daily tasks.
Some older people need extra, intensive support to access aged care services and other supports in the community.
There are things you can consider when facing challenges that may benefit you in a positive way and support you to make these tasks simpler and easier.
My Aged Care is the Australian Government’s aged care system for older Australians. The My Aged Care website and Contact Centre (1800 200 422) provide information on ageing and aged care and how to access the Australian Governments funded aged care services.
You are on the waiting list for a Home Care Package – what happens next?
It is important carers look after themselves.
There are a range of financial supports available to help you if you provide ongoing care for someone.
In this news article we will be talking about who is a carer, many of us don’t realise that we are in fact a carer for someone.
Dementia is not one specific disease, it describes a collection of symptoms caused by disorders affecting the brain.
Agedcare Alternatives is a service that helps older people, their carers and families, who need intensive support, to find and understand information about aged care.
© AgedCare Alternatives 2025